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10th June 2023

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cabbage?

Bearded dragons require a specific diet in order to maintain optimal health and longevity, such as raw foods that provide essential nutrients such as Savoy, Bok Choy, Napa and Kale cabbages, which contain calcium, oxalates and vitamins C as well as moderate levels of goitrogens.

dragon, and remove the stalks as these can be difficult for beardies to consume and could potentially cause choking. Chopping it into small pieces and mixing with other vegetables will ensure your beardie receives adequate nutrition.

It is low in sugar

Cabbage's low sugar content makes it an excellent food option for bearded dragons, with low levels of fat and an abundance of vitamins and minerals that benefit their health, such as C, K, A and potassium - not forgetting its fiber content, which promotes digestive wellness!

Cabbage, like other vegetables, contains antioxidants that help fight oxidative stress and lower the risk of disease. Furthermore, they may help protect cellular damage and promote healthy aging - they even lower obesity and diabetes risks!

Green cabbage can be fed to bearded dragons safely, although only occasionally and as part of a balanced diet. As it contains goitrogens which could potentially interfere with thyroid function if consumed in large amounts, small portions are best fed occasionally for best results.

If you want to feed your lizard cabbage, be sure to wash and cut up its leaves into small pieces before feeding them to ensure easy consumption and freedom from dirt. In addition, mix it in with various other veggies so your reptile receives all kinds of different nutrients to avoid nutritional deficiencies that can prove fatal for bearded dragons.

It is high in vitamin C

Bearded dragons need plenty of vitamin C in their diet in order to keep their immune systems running optimally and fight infections, absorb iron and maintain healthy skin. Kale and strawberries are top sources of this essential nutrient; however cabbage also offers energy without creating digestive issues.

Cabbage provides your beardie with an abundance of essential vitamins and minerals, as well as powerful anti-oxidants to protect their cells against free radical damage caused by free radicals - helping lower risk factors for diseases like cancer or cardiovascular diseases.

Your choice of cabbage for feeding to your reptile should be carefully considered. Choose fresh, raw greens that contain plenty of nutrients with an ideal calcium/phosphorus balance, while also avoiding leaves that have become discolored or diswilted; red, white and Napa varieties offer optimal options.

Before feeding cabbage to your reptile, make sure it has been cleaned carefully and stripped of any stalks that could pose a choking hazard for their safety. Also cut leaves into bite-size pieces so your reptile can easily devour their meal.

White cabbage (commonly known as savoy cabbage) provides bearded dragons with adequate amounts of nutrients necessary for health and growth, such as moderate calcium. Unfortunately, however, its acidity may cause gastric upset in dragons; for optimal results try Napa cabbage with thinner leaves and milder flavor instead.

10th June 2023

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cabbage?

Bearded dragons are unique species that require specific diets. To meet their nutritional requirements, these exotic reptiles rely heavily on leafy greens such as cabbage which offers essential Vitamin C, potassium, iron and high ratio of calcium-phosphorus content that assists bone development.

It’s a nutritious vegetable

Bearded dragons require a varied diet of vegetables in order to meet their essential nutrient requirements, with cabbage being an ideal choice due to its low caloric intake and abundance of essential vitamins and minerals such as calcium (essential for strong bones) as well as other essential elements like folate, vitamin C, magnesium potassium phosphorus.

, carefully wash and strip its outer leaves away to ensure that the leaves are clean of dirt or debris that could harm their reptile. Next, cut up the cabbage leaves so they're easy for your beardie to consume - being mindful not to include stalks that might present a choking risk!

Cabbage is packed with calcium, an essential nutrient for beardies. A proper calcium intake helps build strong bones and mitigate metabolic bone disease (MBD). Furthermore, cabbage provides plenty of other essential minerals like magnesium, iron, phosphorus potassium manganese. In addition, cabbage also offers Vitamin C which aids with immune systems and metabolism functions - all these factors make cabbage an ideal addition to their diets - although its intake should only be provided in moderate amounts or when mixed with other vegetables.

It’s easy to prepare

Bearded dragons love cabbage, making it easy and convenient to prepare. Cabbage can be eaten raw or cooked; just be careful not to overdo it, as that can lessen its nutritional value. Eating it along with other veggies is also key ensuring adequate vitamins and minerals intake.

Cabbage is packed with calcium, making it essential for bone development in beardies. In addition, its calcium-to-phosphorus ratio helps prevent metabolic bone disease (MBD). Furthermore, cabbage also boasts impressive levels of fiber, potassium and vitamin C - essential nutrients that contribute to their wellbeing and growth.

Green and red cabbage should be introduced into your reptile's diet at least once every week and twice monthly respectively, and served either alone or as part of a medley of greens. Be sure to thoroughly wash its leaves prior to feeding them as the soil may contain dirt or debris which could harm its health.

Be wary when eating savoy cabbage as it contains goitrogens that interfere with thyroid function and may lead to an enlarged thyroid that prevents your body from producing hormones properly. Therefore, it's recommended to limit intake to two weeks per month and only in small amounts.

It’s safe to feed

Bearded dragons require a balanced diet in order to remain healthy and active, consisting primarily of high-quality insects and greens for most meals. Young reptiles should consume 80% insect-based meals while adults can opt for either 60% insect-based meals or 40% plant-based meals (Cabbage may be served safely with other leafy greens) so as to get all of the necessary nutrition from each meal.

Cabbage is an ideal food source for baby bearded dragons, which may develop stomach issues if exposed to too much sugar. Plus, cabbage contains numerous vitamins and minerals including Vitamin B6, folates, Vitamin K and antioxidants; its sugar content is lower than romaine lettuce while it remains relatively fat free.

Green cabbage can make a welcome addition to any diet, though only on occasion. Oxalates present in this food can bind with calcium in their bodies and inhibit its absorption into their system, potentially harming their reptile's overall wellbeing.

Serving vegetables and greens raw is recommended, as cooking reduces their nutrient density and digestion is easier for bearded dragons. When preparing cabbage, ensure to thoroughly wash and remove all outer leaves and base stalk before cutting into small pieces and offering it to your dragon. Add cabbage into salad medleys or combine it with other foods for more variety in its nutritional value.

10th June 2023

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cabbage?

Beardie owners frequently ask whether bearded dragons can consume cabbage. Cabbage is an extremely healthy food source that boasts antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

as long as it is properly prepared. Mix into a salad and offer in moderation; green cabbage contains vitamins C and K as well as fiber and antioxidants which all provide valuable nutritional benefits to bearded dragons.

Green cabbage is an excellent source of calcium for reptile skeleton health. Additionally, its abundance of dietary fiber helps regulate bowel movements and support digestive health while it contains vitamin A, potassium, and phosphorus for even further benefits.

Befor giving green cabbage to a bearded dragon, it is crucial that it is thoroughly washed to eliminate any potential contaminants which could harm it. Furthermore, stalks of vegetables tend to be too fibrous for most bearded dragons to consume and may lead to digestive issues.

Napa cabbage can also make an excellent alternative to green cabbage for bearded dragons, thanks to its sweeter taste and thinner leaves that make eating much simpler for bearded dragons. Napa cabbage contains vitamin C, A and fiber as well as calcium and phosphorus in abundance - plus its low level of oxalates ensures it is safe.

Napa cabbage

Napa cabbage is an ideal food choice for feeding beardies as it can be fed raw without containing oxalates - this is key as these compounds bind with calcium in the body and limit how much of this essential nutrient is available to support their skeletal system.

Napa contains high levels of antioxidants as well as the vitamins C and K, along with providing adequate amounts of dietary fiber. Furthermore, napa offers an optimal ratio between calcium to phosphorus; too much phosphorus could lead to metabolic bone disease in reptiles.

Though napa may not be ideal for daily consumption, you can offer it as an occasional treat for your dragon. Just ensure to rinse, trim any hard parts, and cut into smaller pieces prior to feeding it to them. Furthermore, it is also advised to feed greens and vegetables raw, which helps retain nutrient content while making digestion simpler for bearded dragons.

Baby bearded dragons can consume cabbage, provided it is offered in moderation and mixed with other greens. This will enable them to reap all the nutritional benefits provided by red cabbage as an excellent source of vitamins C, folate, calcium potassium iron and betaine.

Savoy cabbage

Bearded dragons require a high-protein diet in order to thrive and reach full maturity, and can get many essential nutrients from plants like cabbage. But too much or the wrong type could cause health complications; so it is best to alternate feedings between various vegetables and insects when offering your beardie food.

Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable, meaning that it contains plenty of antioxidants. Furthermore, this rich source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber provides your reptile with plenty of nutritional support that may reduce disease risks while strengthening their immunity system.

Are You Searching For Healthy Vegetables to Add to Your Reptile's Diet? Try Savoy Cabbage This winter vegetable is very similar to green cabbage but features crinkled leaves for easier digestion by your bearded dragon. Additionally, its lower oxalate content reduces risk of digestive issues for some animals.

As with other greens, cabbage is low in fat and can help your dragon maintain a healthy weight. Furthermore, cabbage contains vitamin C to strengthen its immune system and fend off infections as well as fiber, potassium and calcium - great sources for good health and wellness. Just avoid feeding them the core or stalk because reptiles find it hard to chew through and may present a potential choking hazard!

10th June 2023

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cabbage?

Bearded dragons require a varied diet to thrive. This should include greens and vegetables that are low in both fat and sugar content.

Raw cabbage can provide your pet with essential vitamins, such as Vitamin C, A and fiber; plus it contains calcium in abundance! But be wary that raw cabbage may contribute to goitrogenicity if consumed regularly as an additional food source.

, but these must first be thoroughly washed to remove pests, fungi and bacteria which can pose health threats to reptiles. Also, these leaves tend to contain dirt which could potentially cause digestive issues for your pet; so for best results provide them in bite-size pieces.

Green and napa cabbage provide moderate levels of calcium for reptiles. You can incorporate both into a balanced diet alongside other leafy greens like bok choy which has an ideal calcium to phosphorus ratio.

Though all varieties of cabbage are relatively low in fat content, it is still wise to limit how often your reptile feeds on it as this could easily lead to obesity in them. They are also relatively low in sugar content - beardies should get their necessary fat and sugar needs through high quality insects or other sources in their diets.


Bearded dragons are omnivorous reptiles, yet require a substantial portion of plant-based foods for healthy development and growth. Leafy greens provide abundant essential vitamins and nutrients - these should make up a good part of their diet; some examples include collard greens, turnip greens, kale, bok choy and alfalfa hay or chow.

Prior to feeding a bearded dragon cabbage, it is crucial that it is thoroughly cleaned in order to eliminate residue and debris that could potentially cause digestive issues down the line. You should also remove stalks as these tend to be too tough for most dragons to chew through and digest.

While most varieties of cabbage are safe for beardie reptiles, savoy cabbage contains lower levels of calcium and more phosphorus compared to its counterparts - which could put your reptile at risk of metabolic bone disease if eaten frequently.

No matter which variety you opt for, it's essential that you give it in small doses. Cabbage contains low amounts of fat and should make up no more than 30% of their diet. Combine cabbage with other high-protein veggies as well as various insects for a complete and balanced meal.


Napa cabbage (also referred to as Chinese cabbage) provides an ample source of calcium per serving and should be introduced gradually into your reptile's diet for best results; excess consumption could result in bloat.

As a rule of thumb, raw greens and vegetables should account for 80% of your bearded dragon's diet, as these provide essential vitamins and minerals. They should also be combined with foods that provide an appropriate balance of proteins, carbs and healthy fats.

Collard greens, mustard greens, bok choy, turnip greens, alfalfa hay or chow, kale, parsley Swiss chard watercress clover savory kohlrabi and red cabbage can also be included as food sources in your beardie's diet. However, all foods should be thoroughly washed first to prevent choking hazards; and placed into shallow clean dishes so your beardie can easily eat from them.